Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Time Equals Money

And so does Space!!!

In our business of selling and buying homes, market value is often based on total square footage of a home. This total is categorized as heated, unheated, finished, unfinished, contiguous and non-contiguous. All of these parameters have different valuations in different markets.

More to the point, having an exact and correct number is VERY important when coming up with a market value on a home.

Most Realtors know this. We also know how much of a pain it is to measure a home. Not so much if the home is a nice, neat square or rectangle, but certainly if the home is irregular in shape, which most are.

And if you've ever played with a measuring tape, or the calculator and the joys of geometry, then you know there are many pitfalls and opportunities to make mistakes. The pressure can be heavy, as the liability can cost you your license if something vast is missed.

I mean, let's face it...if you miscalculate square footage you can miscalculate the value of a home.

No pressure!!

So often Realtors will use Appraisers or contractors specifically skilled in this arena.  Now there is another option - an app! Yes, a phone app - and it has potential to totally rock!! Great for floor plans and room dimensions and all the SF desires to content our heart. 

For Iphones there is RoomScan. For Droids, there is MagicPlan and Floorplan Catcher.


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